Enjoy the Glory: Psalm 145:11

11 They will speak of the glory of your kingdom;
    they will give examples of your power.

Psalm 145:11, NLT

Provocative, isn’t it? This is a loaded verse, and there can be minerals in various rocks, but within these verses is ore so concentrated, so evident– far much more than fine gold.

The Church has a part to play in glorifying the Lord. We really aren’t to be passive observers just waiting for the curtain to fall on this world’s stage. We are called to be vocal, to speak out. We are to think ourselves as examples of grace to share with the spiritually ignorant.


V. 11, “They will speak of the glory of your kingdom;
    they will give examples of your power.”

There is a most interesting sentence structure to this verse, as well as certain specific words. I suppose that “glory” is the most intangible. We really can’t interpret this amazing word into English. We just don’t have nothing comparable to it.

Glory is a multiple kind of word. There is a blend of “weight” and “power” and ‘reputation.’ It also has elements of ‘control’ and ‘magnificence with unequaled  beauty.’ It is a wealthy expression, saturated with nuances and definitions and understanding. (I love this word!)

But glory is not the full story. Yes, it lights up the kingdom. I lived in a small town in Mexico for a few years. We had no running water and no electricity. It was a challenge. But glory is like that– it is the “electricity of the kingdom.” It lights everything up! It makes things run. Sure you can live without this power, but who would want this?

The last part is not the least. God’s glory can be seen in our lives. Each one of us are a testimonial to His power of salvation. We are all ‘show-and-tell’ examples. You can point to the obvious ‘divine interventions’ that have made up your life. (And there will be more to come.)


ybic, Bryan

One thought on “Enjoy the Glory: Psalm 145:11

  1. This totally blessed me, Pastor B. There is something so sure in it . .. it will be done. 🙂 God bless you as you keep bringing us deeper into the Psalms!

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